About us
Building a healthy, safe, resilient and drug-free community…
The Butler Co. Prevention Coalition
Working together to prevent and/or reduce alcohol and marijuana use by youth through collaboration, education and policy change.
Our Goals
Reduce the number of youth ages 9-20 using alcohol and marijuana
Strengthen prevention capacity and infrastructure
Infuse resilieny and trauma-informed practices into prevention
Our Strategies:
Raise awareness of the dangers of youth substance use and abuse
Provide support and training to local communities with and without coalitions
Partner with community stakeholders to create a cross-system impact
Leverage system-wide data to inform our practices

Our secret to success...
CollaborationButler County Prevention Coalition & Addiction Taskforce Framework

The Butler County Prevention Coalition and Addiction Taskforce is designed to foster cross-sector collaboration and co-creation of strategies that work in addressing substance use in our community. The Butler County Prevention Coalition, Mental Health Addiction and Recovery Services Board, and Health District have come together to streamline our work and join with community partners to make a bigger impact. We work together to address prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and recovery. To learn more click here.
The Butler County Community
Meet Our CoalitionsFairfield
Partnering for a safe, healthy drug free community. Read More
Middletown Connect
Middletown Connect was established by a collective group of concerned citizens and committed community leaders who realized that change begins with relationships. Relationships begin with connection. Read More
Want more information on the Butler County Prevention Coalition?